Reminders, notes, and calendar on WhatsApp.
Aren't you tired of clicking 7 buttons just to set a simple alarm. Why is adding a quick thought to a list so hard? Why can't you just ask someone what's on your calendar?
Coco will do all of the above for you :) Your best friend. Your personal assistant.
Coco for reminders!
👍 Unlimited messages
⏰ Unlimited one-time reminders
🌎 100+ languages supported
Coco for daily tasks :)
👍 Unlimited messages
⏰ Unlimited one-time reminders
🌎 100+ languages supported
🔃 Repeat reminders
🙊 Voice note transcription
📆 Google Calendar Integration
🌆 Expert Image Analysis
📄 Reminders about Attachments
📝 Free-form note-taking
📋 Create (and add to) lists
🔎 AI search over lists & messages
🤖 ChatGPT
🧍 Send reminders to others (soon)