Create Reminders with Friends and Coworkers on WhatsApp

Create Reminders with your voice

You can send in a voice note and create a one-time or repeating reminder. Coco will always remind you at the correct time. It can even snooze your reminders for later. Note - reminders are not added to your calendar.

"Remind me to drink water three times a day."
"Text me at 7pm to call my mom"
"I need to remember to do laundry in 30 mintues"
Remind me to fill up the car when I wake up.
Got you! I'll send you the reminder at 9:25 am.
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Remind Alex to process the invoice in 4 hours.
I will send a reminder to Alex (+55 338288293) in 4 hours!
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Send reminders to friends and family

Does your sister forget to do the dishes? Does your coworker need to submit their work hours on time? Send them reminders! These reminders will show up in the receiver's WhatsApp.

Note: Only one-time reminders are supported for friends & family. Repeat reminders cannot be sent to others.

"Remind my manager to check my PTO in 2 hours."
"Send my sister a text at 5pm to clean the car!"
"Remind Alex to pay the electricity bill tomorrow morning"

Get reminded about images, documents, and other attachments

You can send in any document, image, contact, or other attachment and ask Coco to remind you about it. For example - if you need Coco to remind you to check into to your flight in 36 hours, just send your boarding pass and ask Coco to remind you!

"Remind me about this [PDF] in 5 hours"
"Remind me to check my [boarding pass] tomorrow evening"
"Text me about this [image] on Friday"
Remind me about my boarding pass in 10 hours.
I'll send you this boarding pass at 8:15pm!
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