Managing your schedule is now easier than ever with Coco AI's Outlook Calendar integration. Whether you need to schedule a meeting or keep track of important deadlines, Coco ensures everything is organized directly from WhatsApp. Stay on top of your tasks and appointments with minimal effort.

Schedule a team meeting for next Monday at 10 AM and send invites.
I’ve scheduled a team meeting for next Monday at 10 AM and sent out invites to your team members via Outlook. 📅 Let me know if you need to add anyone else to the meeting!
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Remind me about the project deadline next Thursday at 3 PM.
I've set an event for your project deadline on Thursday at 3 PM in your Outlook Calendar. ⏰ Is there anything else you’d like to prepare for?
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With its robust capabilities, Coco AI simplifies the process of managing your schedule. It can handle everything from setting meetings to sending out invites, ensuring you never miss an important event. Plus, real-time synchronization with Outlook Calendar keeps your schedule accessible anytime, anywhere.